In this section, you will find documents that are useful for running your affiliated show!
If you have any additional questions or concerns,
please reach out to the board at [email protected].
If you have any additional questions or concerns,
please reach out to the board at [email protected].
MeHJA Affiliated Show Timeline
- 30 days before show:
- Apply for affiliation
- Submit payment and class list to MeHJA
- At least 2 weeks before show:
- Show host, location, and prize list, class list, and entry form will be posted on MeHJA website.
- 2 weeks after show:
- Full results must be submitted to MeHJA. Results can be mailed, scanned and emailed, or submitted electronically using the template provided.
- Results must include all rider/horse combinations that showed in each class, including those that did not place. Incomplete reporting may result in points not being awarded!
- Rider name, horse name, and owner must be filled in on all forms submitted to ensure proper awarding of points.
- Original judges cards must be available upon request to resolve any concerns regarding results.
- If results are not submitted within 3 weeks, a $50 fine will be assessed to the host organization. Future shows will not be affiliated until fine is paid and results received. Results not received within 3 weeks will be posted on website for member awareness.
- Results not received within 4 weeks of the show will not count towards year end awards.
- Full results must be submitted to MeHJA. Results can be mailed, scanned and emailed, or submitted electronically using the template provided.
It is recommended that affiliated shows have paper copies of the following documents on hand at the secretary's booth for all shows. These documents may be found on the Horse Show Documents page.
- A copy of the MeHJA rulebook - all affiliated shows will receive a copy of the rule book binder - please contact us if you do not have one!
- Membership forms - exhibitors can sign up for membership the day of the show; they can make payment for membership to the MeHJA PayPal or can write a check to be forwarded to MeHJA with their membership form.
- Feedback forms - members, exhibitors, spectators, and any other participants should report any concerns to show management immediately, and are strongly encouraged to fill out the feedback form, either on paper or electronically. Concerns, issues, protests, and questions must be reported to MeHJA by show management as soon as possible. Any horse that is excused by the judge for reasons related to the health or welfare of the animal must be reported to MeHJA as soon as possible.
- Member point record logs - members are encouraged to keep track of their points throughout the show season. While not an official record, this log can be used to for riders to keep track of their points and assist in points audit. It is not required for members to keep a log of their own points.