Hunter Breeding Horses Division
To be judged on conformation, way of moving, quality, substance, soundness, and suitability. Weanlings may wear halters; yearlings and older horses must show in a bridle. Weanlings and broodmares to show at a walk, all other at the walk and trot.
Hunter Breeding Ponies Division
To be judged on conformation, way of moving, quality, substance, soundness, and suitability. Weanlings may wear halters; yearlings and older horses must show in a bridle. Weanlings and broodmares to show at a walk, all other at the walk and trot. Open to all ponies 14.2H and under.
Leadline Equitation Division
Open to riders 7 years of age and under. Riders may not compete in any class at this show in which a rider is off lead. No rider entered may compete in any other class requiring entries to ride independently. Riders must be led by an adult. Stallions are prohibited.
Leadline Equitation, 7 & Under
Leadline Equitation Championship
To be shown at a walk and trot on an attached lead, demonstrating the riders control of the horse or pony. Riders may be asked to halt and/or turn to the left or right. Other commands at the discretion of the judge. Must be entered, shown and judged in qualifying class to be eligible for championship class.
Lead-Line Pleasure Division, 7 & Under
Open to riders 7 years of age and under. Riders may not compete in any class at this show in which a rider is off lead. No rider entered may compete in any other class requiring entries to ride independently. Riders must be led by an adult. Division to be judged on manners and suitability of mount. Stallions are prohibited.
Lead-line Pleasure, 7 & under
Lead-Line Pleasure, 7 & under Championship
To be judged at the walk and trot as a pleasure class, with manners and suitability of the mount to be emphasized. Must be entered, shown and judged in qualifying class to be eligible for championship class.
Walk-Trot Equitation, 10 & Under Division
Open to riders 10 years of age and under. Riders may not compete in any class at this show in which a rider is required to canter or lope. No rider entered may compete in any other class requiring entries to canter or lope at any previous show. Stallions are prohibited.
Walk-Trot Equitation Undersaddle, 10 & under
To be shown at the walk and trot both ways of the ring and judged on hands, seat, and control.
Walk-Trot Poles Equitation, 10 & Under
To be shown over 4 to 8 poles at a trot. To be judged as an equitation class.
Walk-Trot Equitation Undersaddle Championship, 10 & Under
To be shown at the walk and trot both ways of the ring and judged on hands, seat, and control. To be eligible, riders must have shown in the qualifying class.
Walk-Trot Equitation, 11 Years & Over Division
This division is open to Junior and Amateur Adult riders, 11 years of age and older who have not cantered/loped in any show or other competitive discipline, recognized or not, in the past three years. Riders may be mounted on horses or ponies. A show may divide the class by age 11-17 years and 18 & over OR may be held as 11 & Over. If divided, both age groups must be offered. It is recommended that a class having 16 or more entries be divided. No tests will be called. Points will go to the rider. All classes accrue to one year-end award. If the class is split and qualifies for a year-end award, the division will be split and awarded for each age segment.
Walk-Trot Equitation Undersaddle, 11 & Over
To be shown at a walk, trot both ways of the ring. Will be asked to reverse at the walk. To be judged on basic principles of horsemanship.
Walk-Trot Poles Equitation, 11 & Over
To be shown over 4 to 8 poles at a trot. To be judged as an equitation class.
Walk-Trot Equitation Undersaddle Championship, 11 & Over
To be eligible, riders must have been entered, shown and judged in a qualifying class. To be shown at a walk, trot both ways of the ring. Will be asked to reverse at the walk. To be judged on basic principles of horsemanship.
Walk-Trot Pleasure, 10 & Under Division
This division is for horse (pony)/rider combinations that do not canter/lope in shows or other competitive disciplines. Riders must be 10 yrs of age & under. Horse/pony may canter/lope with a different rider. Horse (pony)/rider combinations in this division may not compete in any class at any show/competitive discipline (recognized or not) during the current show season requiring a canter or lope. Doing so, will nullify points for the season. Points shall go to the combination. Combinations in this division may show in other classes that do not require a canter/lope. Stallions are prohibited.
Walk-Trot Pleasure, 10 and under
Walk-Trot Pleasure Championship, 10 & Under
Shall be shown at a walk and trot only, both ways of the ring. To be judged on horse/pony’s manners, suitability of horse/pony to rider and performance. Must reverse at a walk. Must be entered, shown and judged in qualifying class to be eligible for championship class.
Walk-Trot Pleasure, 11 Years & Over Division
This division is for horse (pony)/rider combinations that do not canter/lope in shows or other competitive disciplines. No limitation as to status of rider. Horse/pony may canter/lope with a different rider; rider may canter/lope on a different horse/pony. Horse (pony)/rider combinations in this division may not compete in any class at any show/competitive discipline (recognized or not) during the current show season requiring a canter or lope. Doing so, will nullify points for the season. Points shall go to the combination. Combinations in this division may show in other classes that do not require a canter/lope. A show may divide the class by age 11-17 years and 18 & over OR may be had as 11 & Over. If divided, both age groups must be offered. It is recommended that a class having 16 or more entries be divided. All classes in the division accrue to one year-end award. If the class is split and qualifies for a year-end award, the division will be split and awarded for each age segment.
Walk-Trot Pleasure Horse/Pony, 11 Years & Over
Walk-Trot Pleasure Championship, 11 Years & Over
Shall be shown at a walk and trot only, both ways of the ring. To be judged on horse/pony’s manners, suitability of horse/pony to rider and performance. Must reverse at a walk. Must be entered, shown and judged in qualifying class to be eligible for championship class.
Short Stirrup Equitation Division
Open to riders 12 years of age or under. All classes in division accrue to one year-end award. Riders may not compete in any other hunter seat equitation class at any show and must not have competed in a jumping class exceeding 18” in height. No more than 8 riders may canter at one time.
Short Stirrup Equitation on the flat
To be judged at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring. May be asked to halt and back.
Short Stirrup Equitation over fences
To be shown over a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height. Fences may be taken at either a trot or a canter at the option of the rider. No oxers or combinations.
Short Stirrup Equitation Over Fences Championship
To be shown over a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height. Fences may be taken at either a trot or a canter at the option of the rider. No oxers or combinations. To be eligible must have shown in the qualifying class.
Short Stirrup Hunter Division
Open to riders aged 12 years & under. To be judged on the mount's manners, suitability, and performance. Riders may not compete in any other class where fences exceed 18” in height.
Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on manners, suitability, and performance. To be shown over a minimum of 4 fences and a maximum of 8. Fences shall be crossrails or verticals with no combinations. Riders may take the fences in trot or canter. Simple changes of lead through the trot are acceptable.
Short Stirrup Hunter Stake
To be judged on manners, suitability and performance. Horse must compete in the qualifying class to ride in the stake.
Short Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle
To be judged on performance, soundness and manners. To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring. Only 8 entries to canter at a time.
Long Stirrup Equitation Division
Open to riders 13 years of age and over. All classes accrue to one year-end award. To be judged on seat, hands, and control of mount. Riders may not compete in any other hunter seat equitation class at any show and must not have competed in a jumping class exceeding 18” in height.
Long Stirrup Equitation on the Flat
To be judged at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring. May be asked to halt and back. No more than 8 riders to canter at one time.
Long Stirrup Equitation Over Fences
To be shown over a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height. No Combinations. Fences may be taken at either a trot or a canter at the option of the rider.
Long Stirrup Equitation Over Fences, Championship
Rider must have shown in the qualifying class. To be shown over a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height. Fences may be taken at either a trot or a canter at the option of the rider.
Easy Does It Hunter Division
Open to riders of any age with no restriction as to status. Horse/pony and rider combinations may not enter any other class requiring horses to jump over 2’3” at the same show. To be shown over a course of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not to exceed 18” in height. No jump combinations. May trot or canter over fences.
Easy Does It Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on manners, suitability, and performance. Simple changes of lead through the trot are acceptable.
Easy Does It Hunter Stake
To be judged on manners, suitability, and performance. Simple changes of lead through the trot are acceptable. Horse must have competed in the qualifying class.
Easy Does It Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring. Light contact with the horse's mouth is required. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive, and move freely. To be judged on manners, performance, and soundness. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. No more than 8 horses will be asked to canter at one time.
Schooling Equitation Division
Open to Junior and Amateur Adult exhibitors who have not competed previously in a class with fence heights greater than 2’6”. Riders may not compete in any other equitation division at the show. If there are sufficient entries, the class may be split into a junior section and an amateur section. Prize list must state if a class is to be held ON THE FLAT or OVER FENCES.
Schooling Equitation Over Fences
Riders to be judged on hands, seat, position, and control of mount. To be judged over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8. Fence heights to be no greater than 2'3”. Combinations and oxers are acceptable.
Schooling Equitation on the Flat
Riders to show at the walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Riders may be asked to halt and back. Riders to be judged on hands, seat, and position, and control of their mount.
Schooling Equitation Championship
To be shown over fences. To qualify, riders must have been entered, shown and judged in the required qualifying class. Fence heights shall be no higher than 2'3”. To be shown over a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences. Note: For points to count, the championship must be held over fences.
Pre-Green Hunter Division
Open to all riders regardless of status. Horses may not have shown in classes with heights greater than 2'6”. Open to horses and ponies. Horses may not show in this division for more than two consecutive years. Simple changes of lead not to be penalized.
Pre-green Hunter Over Fences
To be shown over a course of a minimum of six fences with a minimum of one change of direction. Fences will be 2' to 2' 3” in height. Horse/pony to be judged on manners, performance, and suitability.
Pre-green Hunter Stake
To be shown over a course of a minimum of six fences with a minimum of one change of direction. Fences will be 2' to 2' 3” in height. Horse/pony to be judged on manners, performance, and suitability.
Pre-green Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at the walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring, maintaining light contact with the horse's mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive, and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. Horses/ponies to be judged on performance and manners.
Schooling Hunter Division
Open to Junior and Amateur Adult riders who have not competed in a class with fence heights greater than 2’6”. The same horse/pony and rider combination cannot show in any other rated hunter or jumper division with fence heights greater than 2’6”. Open to horses and ponies to show over the same course. Fences will be 2’to 2’3” in height. Horse/Pony to be judged on manners, performance, and suitability.
Schooling Hunter Over Fences
To be shown over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences with fence heights no greater than 2'3”. To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized. Combinations and oxers are acceptable. Extreme speed shall be penalized.
Schooling Hunter Stake
To be shown over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences with fence heights no greater than 2'3”. To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized. Combinations and oxers are acceptable. Extreme speed shall be penalized. Horse must ride in the qualifying class to ride in the stake.
Schooling Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at the walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring, maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses/ponies may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. Horses/Ponies to be judged on performance and manners.
Special Working Hunter Division
Open to horses and ponies. Open to all riders, regardless of status. Fences not to exceed 2’6”.
Special Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on manners, performance, and soundness. To be shown over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences, with at least one change of direction. Fence heights not to exceed 2'6”. Combinations and oxers are acceptable and encouraged.
Special Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on manners, suitability, and performance. To be shown over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences, with at least one change of direction. Fence heights not to exceed 2'6”. Combinations and oxers are acceptable and encouraged. Horse must compete in qualifying class to show in the stakes class.
Special Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse's mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive, and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. To be judged on manners, performance and soundness.
Pony Working Hunter Division
To be ridden by a Junior Exhibitors under 18 years of age. Show management may divide into Small-Medium Pony Hunter and Large Pony Hunter on the day of the show if there are sufficient entries. Fences for ponies shall be as follows:
Small Ponies, not exceeding 12.2 hands, fences to be 2'3”.
Medium Ponies, over 12.2 hands but not exceeding 13.2 hands, fences to be 2’6”.
Large Ponies, over 13.2 hands but not exceeding 14.2 hands, fences to be 2'9” to 3’.
The suggested distance for an In and Out when used in a ring for Small Ponies is 20', Medium Ponies 22’, and Large Ponies 24’. The maximum allowable spread on any fence is as follows: Small Ponies 2’3”, Medium Ponies 2’6”, and Large Ponies 3’.
Pony Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners and suitability of a pony for the rider shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Pony Working Handy Hunter
To be shown over a special course, obstacles simulating those found in trappy hunting country. Emphasis in judging to be placed on promptness and manners. Manners and suitability of a pony for the rider shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Pony Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners and suitability of a pony for the rider shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 ponies at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners and suitability of a pony for the rider shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Children’s Hunter Division
Open to horses and ponies. To be shown by Junior Exhibitors. The same horse/pony and rider combination cannot show in any other rated hunter or jumper division at the same show with the exceptions of Equitation, Special Hunter, and Low Hunter divisions. Fences no higher than 3’. Horses and ponies to show over the same course.
Children's Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Children's Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized. Horses must ride in the qualifying class to show in the stakes.
Children's Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Adult Amateur Hunter Division
To be ridden by Adult Amateurs who are no longer eligible to compete as Junior Exhibitors. Horse/rider combinations are not eligible for any other NEHC or USEF rated classes. Horses may be shown by a different rider in any other division or class at the same competition. Ponies may be ridden by adults, suitability to count. Fence heights not to exceed 3’. Spreads not to exceed the height of the fence.
Adult Amateur Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance, soundness, manners, way of going, size of rider to mount and suitability as an Adult Hunter. Horses and ponies may be jogged for soundness at the judge’s discretion.
Adult Amateur Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance, soundness, manners, way of going, size of rider to mount and suitability as an Adult Hunter. Horses and ponies may be jogged for soundness at the judge’s discretion. Horses must show in the qualifier to show in the stakes class.
Adult Amateur Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. To be judged on performance, soundness, manners, way of going, size of rider to mount and suitability as an Adult Hunter.
Low Working Hunter Division
Open to horses and riders of any age with no restriction as to status. Conformation not to count. Fences not to exceed 3’ in height.
Low Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness.
Low Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Horses must compete in the qualifying class to ride in the stakes.
Low Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than eight horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Junior Working Hunter Division
To be ridden by a Junior Exhibitor under 18 years of age. Open to horses only. Jumps to be no higher than 3’6”.
Junior Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on manners, performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Junior Working Handy Hunter Over Fences
To be shown over a special course, obstacles simulating those found in trappy hunting country. Emphasis in judging to be placed on promptness and manners. Extreme speed shall be penalized.
Junior Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on manners, performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized. Horses must ride in the qualifying class to ride in the stakes class.
Junior Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring, maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. To be judged on manners, performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Performance Working Hunter Division
Points will be awarded in the following classes only if the prize list does not specify conformation to count in the judging. The minimum and maximum height of the fences must be specified in each class. Height of the fences at the option of the show management but should be a minimum of 3’3”.
Performance Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance, manners, and suitability. To be shown over a minimum of 6 fences.
Performance Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Must have competed in the qualifying class.
Performance Working Hunter, Handy Round
To be shown over a special course, obstacles simulating those found in trappy hunting country. Emphasis on judging to be placed on promptness and manners.
Performance Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than eight horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Thoroughbred Hunter Division
Open to horses registered with the American Jockey Club. Proof of registration either via registration papers or TIP number required. The height of the fences not to exceed 2'6”.
Thoroughbred Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness.
Thoroughbred Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Must have competed in the qualifying class.
Thoroughbred Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Green Working Hunter Division
A Green Hunter is a horse of any age that is in his first or second year of showing in any class at recognized MeHJA, MHA, NEHC and/or USEF shows requiring entries to jump (including equitation) 3’6” or higher. Horses showing over courses lower than 3’6” will not lose their green status. First year green horses to jump no higher than 3’6”. Second year green horses to jump no higher than 3’9”. It is recommended that all shows specify no higher than a difference of three inches in the height of jumps for the first and second year horses. Show management may divide into first year and second year on the day of the show if there are sufficient entries. Points will be awarded in the following classes only if the prize list does not specify conformation to count in the judging.
Green Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness.
Green Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Must have competed in the qualifying class.
Green Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. Will not be asked to hand gallop. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Junior Hunter/Jumper Seat Equitation Division
Open to junior riders 17yrs or younger as of December 1st of the competition year. Riders are to be judged on seat, hands, position, and control of mount. Shows may hold either the Flat or Over Fences or both. Championship classes may only be held with a qualifying corresponding class. NOTE: for points to count, the championship must be held over fences. For year-end award purposes, only those qualifying for the championship in an age group class shall earn championship points.
Hunter/Jumper Seat Equitation on the Flat
To be judged at a walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Judge may require additional tests.
Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Over Fences
To be judged on the rider's performance. To be shown over a course of at least 6 fences. Fence height not to exceed 3'. All contestants must jump the same height. Wings are compulsory for classes under 15 years of age. In open classes and classes for 15-17 years of age, jumps are not to exceed 3’6” and wings are optional.
Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Over Fences Championship
To be eligible, riders must have entered, shown, and judged in any other Hunter Seat Equitation class for riders under 18 years of age. To be held over fences not to exceed 3’6”. If wing standards are used, they shall be no wider than 30”. Judge may require additional tests.
Amateur Hunter/Jumper Seat Equitation Division
Open to competitors 18 years or older as of December 1st of the competition year that hold
amateur status according to USEF rules. Riders are to be judged on seat, hands, position, and control of mount. Shows may hold either the Flat, Over Fences, or both sections. Championship classes may only be held with a qualifying corresponding class. For points to count, championship class must be held over fences. NOTE: For year-end award purposes, only those qualifying for the championship in a regular (not a Medal class) amateur adult hunt seat equitation class shall earn championship points.
Adult Amateur Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation on the Flat
To be judged at a walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Judge may require additional tests.
Adult Amateur Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Over Fences
Fences not to exceed 3'. Wing standards are optional.
Adult Amateur Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Over Fences Championship
To be eligible, riders must have been entered, shown and judged in any other Amateur Adult Hunter Seat Equitation class at this show. To be held over a course of fences not to exceed 3’.
Hunter Hack Division
Hunter Hack
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than eight horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. Horses are required to individually jump two fences 2’ to 2’6” in height. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Hunter Hack Horse Championship
To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Hunter Hack Horse class. To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse's mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, and responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than eight horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. Horses are required to individually jump two fences 2’ to 2’6” in height. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Hunter Pleasure Division
Open to all horses/ponies of a hunter type ordinarily used for pleasure purposes with no limitations as to status of rider.
Hunter Pleasure Horse
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. To be judged on manners, performance, quality, presence, substance and soundness.
Hunter Pleasure Horse Championship
To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Hunter Pleasure Horse, Open class. To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. To be judged on manners, performance, quality, presence, substance, and soundness.
Jumper Divisions
All jumper classes to follow USEF rules.
Puddle Jumpers
Puddle Jumper division is for classes that are no higher than 0.80m. All classes that fall in this height range will be eligible to count toward year end awards in the puddle jumper division.
Schooling Jumpers
Schooling Jumper division is for classes that are greater than 0.80m in height, but not exceeding 1.00m in height. All classes that fall in this height range will be eligible to count toward year-end awards in the schooling jumper division.
Open Jumpers
Open Jumper division is for classes that are greater than 1.00 m in height. All classes that fall in this height range will be eligible to count toward year end award in the open jumper division.
MeHJA Medal Classes
These classes will qualify riders to attend the MeHJA Finals held in the fall. There is no rider minimum to hold these classes. Riders can be members or non-members and must accrue 8 points in their respective division in order to show at the finals in the medal. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st place=8 points; 2nd place=6 points; 3rd place=4 points; 4th place=3 points; 5th place=2 points; 6th place=1 point. In addition, riders are encouraged to continue showing in the classes once they have qualified, and they will continue to accrue points toward a year-end award that will be given to the riders accumulating the most points in each class.
MeHJA Walk-Trot Poles Equitation Medal
Open to all Walk-Trot riders. Riders may ride in this class for a maximum of 2 years and are not eligible to ride in the class once they have won the finals in this division. To be judged on the rider’s performance. To be shown over 4 to 8 poles at a trot with a minimum of 1 change of direction. Must include at least one test of a halt or sitting trot.
MeHJA Short Stirrup Equitation Medal
Open to junior competitors 12 yrs and under as of December 1st of the competition year. To be judged on the rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences no higher than 18” with at least one change of direction. No oxers or combinations permitted, but single fences and bending lines are encouraged. Course must contain at least one test of a halt or trot fence. May be combined with MeHJA Long Stirrup Medal.
MeHJA Long Stirrup Equitation Medal
Open to junior riders 13 yrs and older as of December 1st of the competition year and Adult Amateurs. To be judged on the rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences no higher than 18” with at least one change of direction. No oxers or combinations permitted, but single fences and bending lines are encouraged. Course must contain at least one test of a halt or trot fence. May be combined with MeHJA Short Stirrup Medal.
MeHJA Modified Medal
Open to junior riders 17yrs of age or under as of December 1st of the competition year and adult amateur riders. To be judged on the rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences to be no higher than 2'3” with at least two changes of direction. Oxers, combinations, bending lines, and single fences are encouraged, but not required. Course must contain at least one test, such as a halt, trot fence, unrelated distance, or hand gallop.
MeHJA Junior Medal
Open to junior riders 17 yrs of age or under as of December 1st of the competition year. To be judged on rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences no higher than 2'9” with at least two changes of direction. Oxers, combinations, bending lines, and single fences are encouraged, but not required. Course must include one test such as a halt, trot fence, unrelated distance, or hand gallop.
MeHJA Adult Amateur Medal
Open to adult amateur riders as defined by USEF rules. To be judged on rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences no higher than 2'9” with at least two changes of direction. Oxers, combinations, bending lines, and single fences are encouraged, but not required. Course must include one test such as a halt, trot fence, unrelated distance, or hand gallop.
To be judged on conformation, way of moving, quality, substance, soundness, and suitability. Weanlings may wear halters; yearlings and older horses must show in a bridle. Weanlings and broodmares to show at a walk, all other at the walk and trot.
Hunter Breeding Ponies Division
To be judged on conformation, way of moving, quality, substance, soundness, and suitability. Weanlings may wear halters; yearlings and older horses must show in a bridle. Weanlings and broodmares to show at a walk, all other at the walk and trot. Open to all ponies 14.2H and under.
Leadline Equitation Division
Open to riders 7 years of age and under. Riders may not compete in any class at this show in which a rider is off lead. No rider entered may compete in any other class requiring entries to ride independently. Riders must be led by an adult. Stallions are prohibited.
Leadline Equitation, 7 & Under
Leadline Equitation Championship
To be shown at a walk and trot on an attached lead, demonstrating the riders control of the horse or pony. Riders may be asked to halt and/or turn to the left or right. Other commands at the discretion of the judge. Must be entered, shown and judged in qualifying class to be eligible for championship class.
Lead-Line Pleasure Division, 7 & Under
Open to riders 7 years of age and under. Riders may not compete in any class at this show in which a rider is off lead. No rider entered may compete in any other class requiring entries to ride independently. Riders must be led by an adult. Division to be judged on manners and suitability of mount. Stallions are prohibited.
Lead-line Pleasure, 7 & under
Lead-Line Pleasure, 7 & under Championship
To be judged at the walk and trot as a pleasure class, with manners and suitability of the mount to be emphasized. Must be entered, shown and judged in qualifying class to be eligible for championship class.
Walk-Trot Equitation, 10 & Under Division
Open to riders 10 years of age and under. Riders may not compete in any class at this show in which a rider is required to canter or lope. No rider entered may compete in any other class requiring entries to canter or lope at any previous show. Stallions are prohibited.
Walk-Trot Equitation Undersaddle, 10 & under
To be shown at the walk and trot both ways of the ring and judged on hands, seat, and control.
Walk-Trot Poles Equitation, 10 & Under
To be shown over 4 to 8 poles at a trot. To be judged as an equitation class.
Walk-Trot Equitation Undersaddle Championship, 10 & Under
To be shown at the walk and trot both ways of the ring and judged on hands, seat, and control. To be eligible, riders must have shown in the qualifying class.
Walk-Trot Equitation, 11 Years & Over Division
This division is open to Junior and Amateur Adult riders, 11 years of age and older who have not cantered/loped in any show or other competitive discipline, recognized or not, in the past three years. Riders may be mounted on horses or ponies. A show may divide the class by age 11-17 years and 18 & over OR may be held as 11 & Over. If divided, both age groups must be offered. It is recommended that a class having 16 or more entries be divided. No tests will be called. Points will go to the rider. All classes accrue to one year-end award. If the class is split and qualifies for a year-end award, the division will be split and awarded for each age segment.
Walk-Trot Equitation Undersaddle, 11 & Over
To be shown at a walk, trot both ways of the ring. Will be asked to reverse at the walk. To be judged on basic principles of horsemanship.
Walk-Trot Poles Equitation, 11 & Over
To be shown over 4 to 8 poles at a trot. To be judged as an equitation class.
Walk-Trot Equitation Undersaddle Championship, 11 & Over
To be eligible, riders must have been entered, shown and judged in a qualifying class. To be shown at a walk, trot both ways of the ring. Will be asked to reverse at the walk. To be judged on basic principles of horsemanship.
Walk-Trot Pleasure, 10 & Under Division
This division is for horse (pony)/rider combinations that do not canter/lope in shows or other competitive disciplines. Riders must be 10 yrs of age & under. Horse/pony may canter/lope with a different rider. Horse (pony)/rider combinations in this division may not compete in any class at any show/competitive discipline (recognized or not) during the current show season requiring a canter or lope. Doing so, will nullify points for the season. Points shall go to the combination. Combinations in this division may show in other classes that do not require a canter/lope. Stallions are prohibited.
Walk-Trot Pleasure, 10 and under
Walk-Trot Pleasure Championship, 10 & Under
Shall be shown at a walk and trot only, both ways of the ring. To be judged on horse/pony’s manners, suitability of horse/pony to rider and performance. Must reverse at a walk. Must be entered, shown and judged in qualifying class to be eligible for championship class.
Walk-Trot Pleasure, 11 Years & Over Division
This division is for horse (pony)/rider combinations that do not canter/lope in shows or other competitive disciplines. No limitation as to status of rider. Horse/pony may canter/lope with a different rider; rider may canter/lope on a different horse/pony. Horse (pony)/rider combinations in this division may not compete in any class at any show/competitive discipline (recognized or not) during the current show season requiring a canter or lope. Doing so, will nullify points for the season. Points shall go to the combination. Combinations in this division may show in other classes that do not require a canter/lope. A show may divide the class by age 11-17 years and 18 & over OR may be had as 11 & Over. If divided, both age groups must be offered. It is recommended that a class having 16 or more entries be divided. All classes in the division accrue to one year-end award. If the class is split and qualifies for a year-end award, the division will be split and awarded for each age segment.
Walk-Trot Pleasure Horse/Pony, 11 Years & Over
Walk-Trot Pleasure Championship, 11 Years & Over
Shall be shown at a walk and trot only, both ways of the ring. To be judged on horse/pony’s manners, suitability of horse/pony to rider and performance. Must reverse at a walk. Must be entered, shown and judged in qualifying class to be eligible for championship class.
Short Stirrup Equitation Division
Open to riders 12 years of age or under. All classes in division accrue to one year-end award. Riders may not compete in any other hunter seat equitation class at any show and must not have competed in a jumping class exceeding 18” in height. No more than 8 riders may canter at one time.
Short Stirrup Equitation on the flat
To be judged at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring. May be asked to halt and back.
Short Stirrup Equitation over fences
To be shown over a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height. Fences may be taken at either a trot or a canter at the option of the rider. No oxers or combinations.
Short Stirrup Equitation Over Fences Championship
To be shown over a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height. Fences may be taken at either a trot or a canter at the option of the rider. No oxers or combinations. To be eligible must have shown in the qualifying class.
Short Stirrup Hunter Division
Open to riders aged 12 years & under. To be judged on the mount's manners, suitability, and performance. Riders may not compete in any other class where fences exceed 18” in height.
Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on manners, suitability, and performance. To be shown over a minimum of 4 fences and a maximum of 8. Fences shall be crossrails or verticals with no combinations. Riders may take the fences in trot or canter. Simple changes of lead through the trot are acceptable.
Short Stirrup Hunter Stake
To be judged on manners, suitability and performance. Horse must compete in the qualifying class to ride in the stake.
Short Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle
To be judged on performance, soundness and manners. To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring. Only 8 entries to canter at a time.
Long Stirrup Equitation Division
Open to riders 13 years of age and over. All classes accrue to one year-end award. To be judged on seat, hands, and control of mount. Riders may not compete in any other hunter seat equitation class at any show and must not have competed in a jumping class exceeding 18” in height.
Long Stirrup Equitation on the Flat
To be judged at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring. May be asked to halt and back. No more than 8 riders to canter at one time.
Long Stirrup Equitation Over Fences
To be shown over a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height. No Combinations. Fences may be taken at either a trot or a canter at the option of the rider.
Long Stirrup Equitation Over Fences, Championship
Rider must have shown in the qualifying class. To be shown over a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height. Fences may be taken at either a trot or a canter at the option of the rider.
Easy Does It Hunter Division
Open to riders of any age with no restriction as to status. Horse/pony and rider combinations may not enter any other class requiring horses to jump over 2’3” at the same show. To be shown over a course of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 fences not to exceed 18” in height. No jump combinations. May trot or canter over fences.
Easy Does It Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on manners, suitability, and performance. Simple changes of lead through the trot are acceptable.
Easy Does It Hunter Stake
To be judged on manners, suitability, and performance. Simple changes of lead through the trot are acceptable. Horse must have competed in the qualifying class.
Easy Does It Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring. Light contact with the horse's mouth is required. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive, and move freely. To be judged on manners, performance, and soundness. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. No more than 8 horses will be asked to canter at one time.
Schooling Equitation Division
Open to Junior and Amateur Adult exhibitors who have not competed previously in a class with fence heights greater than 2’6”. Riders may not compete in any other equitation division at the show. If there are sufficient entries, the class may be split into a junior section and an amateur section. Prize list must state if a class is to be held ON THE FLAT or OVER FENCES.
Schooling Equitation Over Fences
Riders to be judged on hands, seat, position, and control of mount. To be judged over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8. Fence heights to be no greater than 2'3”. Combinations and oxers are acceptable.
Schooling Equitation on the Flat
Riders to show at the walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Riders may be asked to halt and back. Riders to be judged on hands, seat, and position, and control of their mount.
Schooling Equitation Championship
To be shown over fences. To qualify, riders must have been entered, shown and judged in the required qualifying class. Fence heights shall be no higher than 2'3”. To be shown over a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences. Note: For points to count, the championship must be held over fences.
Pre-Green Hunter Division
Open to all riders regardless of status. Horses may not have shown in classes with heights greater than 2'6”. Open to horses and ponies. Horses may not show in this division for more than two consecutive years. Simple changes of lead not to be penalized.
Pre-green Hunter Over Fences
To be shown over a course of a minimum of six fences with a minimum of one change of direction. Fences will be 2' to 2' 3” in height. Horse/pony to be judged on manners, performance, and suitability.
Pre-green Hunter Stake
To be shown over a course of a minimum of six fences with a minimum of one change of direction. Fences will be 2' to 2' 3” in height. Horse/pony to be judged on manners, performance, and suitability.
Pre-green Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at the walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring, maintaining light contact with the horse's mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive, and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. Horses/ponies to be judged on performance and manners.
Schooling Hunter Division
Open to Junior and Amateur Adult riders who have not competed in a class with fence heights greater than 2’6”. The same horse/pony and rider combination cannot show in any other rated hunter or jumper division with fence heights greater than 2’6”. Open to horses and ponies to show over the same course. Fences will be 2’to 2’3” in height. Horse/Pony to be judged on manners, performance, and suitability.
Schooling Hunter Over Fences
To be shown over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences with fence heights no greater than 2'3”. To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized. Combinations and oxers are acceptable. Extreme speed shall be penalized.
Schooling Hunter Stake
To be shown over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences with fence heights no greater than 2'3”. To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized. Combinations and oxers are acceptable. Extreme speed shall be penalized. Horse must ride in the qualifying class to ride in the stake.
Schooling Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at the walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring, maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses/ponies may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. Horses/Ponies to be judged on performance and manners.
Special Working Hunter Division
Open to horses and ponies. Open to all riders, regardless of status. Fences not to exceed 2’6”.
Special Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on manners, performance, and soundness. To be shown over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences, with at least one change of direction. Fence heights not to exceed 2'6”. Combinations and oxers are acceptable and encouraged.
Special Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on manners, suitability, and performance. To be shown over a course of a minimum of 6 fences and a maximum of 8 fences, with at least one change of direction. Fence heights not to exceed 2'6”. Combinations and oxers are acceptable and encouraged. Horse must compete in qualifying class to show in the stakes class.
Special Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse's mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive, and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. To be judged on manners, performance and soundness.
Pony Working Hunter Division
To be ridden by a Junior Exhibitors under 18 years of age. Show management may divide into Small-Medium Pony Hunter and Large Pony Hunter on the day of the show if there are sufficient entries. Fences for ponies shall be as follows:
Small Ponies, not exceeding 12.2 hands, fences to be 2'3”.
Medium Ponies, over 12.2 hands but not exceeding 13.2 hands, fences to be 2’6”.
Large Ponies, over 13.2 hands but not exceeding 14.2 hands, fences to be 2'9” to 3’.
The suggested distance for an In and Out when used in a ring for Small Ponies is 20', Medium Ponies 22’, and Large Ponies 24’. The maximum allowable spread on any fence is as follows: Small Ponies 2’3”, Medium Ponies 2’6”, and Large Ponies 3’.
Pony Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners and suitability of a pony for the rider shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Pony Working Handy Hunter
To be shown over a special course, obstacles simulating those found in trappy hunting country. Emphasis in judging to be placed on promptness and manners. Manners and suitability of a pony for the rider shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Pony Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners and suitability of a pony for the rider shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Pony Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 ponies at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners and suitability of a pony for the rider shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Children’s Hunter Division
Open to horses and ponies. To be shown by Junior Exhibitors. The same horse/pony and rider combination cannot show in any other rated hunter or jumper division at the same show with the exceptions of Equitation, Special Hunter, and Low Hunter divisions. Fences no higher than 3’. Horses and ponies to show over the same course.
Children's Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Children's Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized. Horses must ride in the qualifying class to show in the stakes.
Children's Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Adult Amateur Hunter Division
To be ridden by Adult Amateurs who are no longer eligible to compete as Junior Exhibitors. Horse/rider combinations are not eligible for any other NEHC or USEF rated classes. Horses may be shown by a different rider in any other division or class at the same competition. Ponies may be ridden by adults, suitability to count. Fence heights not to exceed 3’. Spreads not to exceed the height of the fence.
Adult Amateur Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance, soundness, manners, way of going, size of rider to mount and suitability as an Adult Hunter. Horses and ponies may be jogged for soundness at the judge’s discretion.
Adult Amateur Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance, soundness, manners, way of going, size of rider to mount and suitability as an Adult Hunter. Horses and ponies may be jogged for soundness at the judge’s discretion. Horses must show in the qualifier to show in the stakes class.
Adult Amateur Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. To be judged on performance, soundness, manners, way of going, size of rider to mount and suitability as an Adult Hunter.
Low Working Hunter Division
Open to horses and riders of any age with no restriction as to status. Conformation not to count. Fences not to exceed 3’ in height.
Low Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness.
Low Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Horses must compete in the qualifying class to ride in the stakes.
Low Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than eight horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Junior Working Hunter Division
To be ridden by a Junior Exhibitor under 18 years of age. Open to horses only. Jumps to be no higher than 3’6”.
Junior Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on manners, performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Junior Working Handy Hunter Over Fences
To be shown over a special course, obstacles simulating those found in trappy hunting country. Emphasis in judging to be placed on promptness and manners. Extreme speed shall be penalized.
Junior Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on manners, performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized. Horses must ride in the qualifying class to ride in the stakes class.
Junior Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring, maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. To be judged on manners, performance and soundness. Manners shall be emphasized and extreme speed shall be penalized.
Performance Working Hunter Division
Points will be awarded in the following classes only if the prize list does not specify conformation to count in the judging. The minimum and maximum height of the fences must be specified in each class. Height of the fences at the option of the show management but should be a minimum of 3’3”.
Performance Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance, manners, and suitability. To be shown over a minimum of 6 fences.
Performance Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Must have competed in the qualifying class.
Performance Working Hunter, Handy Round
To be shown over a special course, obstacles simulating those found in trappy hunting country. Emphasis on judging to be placed on promptness and manners.
Performance Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than eight horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Thoroughbred Hunter Division
Open to horses registered with the American Jockey Club. Proof of registration either via registration papers or TIP number required. The height of the fences not to exceed 2'6”.
Thoroughbred Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness.
Thoroughbred Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Must have competed in the qualifying class.
Thoroughbred Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than 8 horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Green Working Hunter Division
A Green Hunter is a horse of any age that is in his first or second year of showing in any class at recognized MeHJA, MHA, NEHC and/or USEF shows requiring entries to jump (including equitation) 3’6” or higher. Horses showing over courses lower than 3’6” will not lose their green status. First year green horses to jump no higher than 3’6”. Second year green horses to jump no higher than 3’9”. It is recommended that all shows specify no higher than a difference of three inches in the height of jumps for the first and second year horses. Show management may divide into first year and second year on the day of the show if there are sufficient entries. Points will be awarded in the following classes only if the prize list does not specify conformation to count in the judging.
Green Working Hunter Over Fences
To be judged on performance and soundness.
Green Working Hunter Stake
To be judged on performance and soundness. Must have competed in the qualifying class.
Green Working Hunter Under Saddle
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. Will not be asked to hand gallop. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Junior Hunter/Jumper Seat Equitation Division
Open to junior riders 17yrs or younger as of December 1st of the competition year. Riders are to be judged on seat, hands, position, and control of mount. Shows may hold either the Flat or Over Fences or both. Championship classes may only be held with a qualifying corresponding class. NOTE: for points to count, the championship must be held over fences. For year-end award purposes, only those qualifying for the championship in an age group class shall earn championship points.
Hunter/Jumper Seat Equitation on the Flat
To be judged at a walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Judge may require additional tests.
Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Over Fences
To be judged on the rider's performance. To be shown over a course of at least 6 fences. Fence height not to exceed 3'. All contestants must jump the same height. Wings are compulsory for classes under 15 years of age. In open classes and classes for 15-17 years of age, jumps are not to exceed 3’6” and wings are optional.
Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Over Fences Championship
To be eligible, riders must have entered, shown, and judged in any other Hunter Seat Equitation class for riders under 18 years of age. To be held over fences not to exceed 3’6”. If wing standards are used, they shall be no wider than 30”. Judge may require additional tests.
Amateur Hunter/Jumper Seat Equitation Division
Open to competitors 18 years or older as of December 1st of the competition year that hold
amateur status according to USEF rules. Riders are to be judged on seat, hands, position, and control of mount. Shows may hold either the Flat, Over Fences, or both sections. Championship classes may only be held with a qualifying corresponding class. For points to count, championship class must be held over fences. NOTE: For year-end award purposes, only those qualifying for the championship in a regular (not a Medal class) amateur adult hunt seat equitation class shall earn championship points.
Adult Amateur Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation on the Flat
To be judged at a walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Judge may require additional tests.
Adult Amateur Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Over Fences
Fences not to exceed 3'. Wing standards are optional.
Adult Amateur Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Over Fences Championship
To be eligible, riders must have been entered, shown and judged in any other Amateur Adult Hunter Seat Equitation class at this show. To be held over a course of fences not to exceed 3’.
Hunter Hack Division
Hunter Hack
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than eight horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively one way of the ring. Horses are required to individually jump two fences 2’ to 2’6” in height. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Hunter Hack Horse Championship
To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Hunter Hack Horse class. To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse's mouth. Horses should be obedient, alert, and responsive and move freely. They should not be eliminated for slight errors. At the discretion of the judge, no more than eight horses at a time may be asked to hand gallop collectively, one way of the ring. Horses are required to individually jump two fences 2’ to 2’6” in height. To be judged on performance and soundness.
Hunter Pleasure Division
Open to all horses/ponies of a hunter type ordinarily used for pleasure purposes with no limitations as to status of rider.
Hunter Pleasure Horse
To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. To be judged on manners, performance, quality, presence, substance and soundness.
Hunter Pleasure Horse Championship
To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Hunter Pleasure Horse, Open class. To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring maintaining light contact with the horse’s mouth. To be judged on manners, performance, quality, presence, substance, and soundness.
Jumper Divisions
All jumper classes to follow USEF rules.
Puddle Jumpers
Puddle Jumper division is for classes that are no higher than 0.80m. All classes that fall in this height range will be eligible to count toward year end awards in the puddle jumper division.
Schooling Jumpers
Schooling Jumper division is for classes that are greater than 0.80m in height, but not exceeding 1.00m in height. All classes that fall in this height range will be eligible to count toward year-end awards in the schooling jumper division.
Open Jumpers
Open Jumper division is for classes that are greater than 1.00 m in height. All classes that fall in this height range will be eligible to count toward year end award in the open jumper division.
MeHJA Medal Classes
These classes will qualify riders to attend the MeHJA Finals held in the fall. There is no rider minimum to hold these classes. Riders can be members or non-members and must accrue 8 points in their respective division in order to show at the finals in the medal. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st place=8 points; 2nd place=6 points; 3rd place=4 points; 4th place=3 points; 5th place=2 points; 6th place=1 point. In addition, riders are encouraged to continue showing in the classes once they have qualified, and they will continue to accrue points toward a year-end award that will be given to the riders accumulating the most points in each class.
MeHJA Walk-Trot Poles Equitation Medal
Open to all Walk-Trot riders. Riders may ride in this class for a maximum of 2 years and are not eligible to ride in the class once they have won the finals in this division. To be judged on the rider’s performance. To be shown over 4 to 8 poles at a trot with a minimum of 1 change of direction. Must include at least one test of a halt or sitting trot.
MeHJA Short Stirrup Equitation Medal
Open to junior competitors 12 yrs and under as of December 1st of the competition year. To be judged on the rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences no higher than 18” with at least one change of direction. No oxers or combinations permitted, but single fences and bending lines are encouraged. Course must contain at least one test of a halt or trot fence. May be combined with MeHJA Long Stirrup Medal.
MeHJA Long Stirrup Equitation Medal
Open to junior riders 13 yrs and older as of December 1st of the competition year and Adult Amateurs. To be judged on the rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences no higher than 18” with at least one change of direction. No oxers or combinations permitted, but single fences and bending lines are encouraged. Course must contain at least one test of a halt or trot fence. May be combined with MeHJA Short Stirrup Medal.
MeHJA Modified Medal
Open to junior riders 17yrs of age or under as of December 1st of the competition year and adult amateur riders. To be judged on the rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences to be no higher than 2'3” with at least two changes of direction. Oxers, combinations, bending lines, and single fences are encouraged, but not required. Course must contain at least one test, such as a halt, trot fence, unrelated distance, or hand gallop.
MeHJA Junior Medal
Open to junior riders 17 yrs of age or under as of December 1st of the competition year. To be judged on rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences no higher than 2'9” with at least two changes of direction. Oxers, combinations, bending lines, and single fences are encouraged, but not required. Course must include one test such as a halt, trot fence, unrelated distance, or hand gallop.
MeHJA Adult Amateur Medal
Open to adult amateur riders as defined by USEF rules. To be judged on rider's performance. To be shown over a minimum of 6 obstacles with fences no higher than 2'9” with at least two changes of direction. Oxers, combinations, bending lines, and single fences are encouraged, but not required. Course must include one test such as a halt, trot fence, unrelated distance, or hand gallop.